Good evening! I would like to personally introduce you to the concept of stress free random selection cooking. Also referred to as a 'Throw Together.'
 Some nights us House Bitches feel the need to tear our hair out, fill up the bath with bubbles and drink half a bottle of wine. But then who would feed the children? That being said, here is a quick alternative to the usual meal planning. Take that meat out of the fridge that needs used, open up the cupboard and remove those items that haven't been looked at in a while. Canned goods are easily mixed.
Begin with rice. Get it boiling, cause this wont take long.

Follow with your meat. Add some spices, add some pineapple. Note that cinnamon sounds like a one trick pony, but add a little to everything and you will notice how versatile it really is.

Add a little chicken powder and butter to your rice for flavoring.

Coors Light. A little for the food, a little for you. Don't forget to cook with beer occasionally. It happens to work wonders when used right.

Pour enough in to sizzle. It will cook in.

Up next is the bacon. Freaking delicious.

Once again, cook with cinnamon, pineapple and beer. Let it sizzle until you are drooling from the scent alone!

    After this, you will want to chop up your bacon, and mix everything you have prepared together. This includes the rice, the beef, the bacon, the cooked pineapple, and also the canned goods. I used cream of chicken, cream style corn, and green beans.
    Another something to try... take the rest of your pineapple and fry it in bacon grease (or with the bacon.) Use as a topper for the final product. Place your covered dish in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Take 15- 25 minutes to yourself. Clean up the kitchen,  drink your drink, have a cigarette... whatever it is you do.
    Finally, don't forget to eat. Congratulate yourself for being such a creative cook. And have a good night. :)
    Sincerely, Your local House Bitch




    Ralph Waldo Emerson said "nothing external to you has any power over you."
    This is beautiful because it sums up a basic truth we often forget. To me this says that nothing can control us but our own mind. The choices we make are solely based on what we deem acceptable or pleasing. Find peace within yourself, not by what affects you. Yes, life can get to us. But only when we let it. So to my readers, however few at this point, do me a favor tonight. Go outside in that freezing cold weather, look up at those bright wonders of the sky; and find peace. Find peace within yourself and the motivation to remember what matters most in your life.
    Signing off- Dani




    Hello! Welcome to my first blog post. Today I would just like to introduce myself and tell you what this is all about.
     My name is Dani. I am from Bonners Ferry Idaho but reside in Jerome. What I have done with my life is not a lot. I have moved too many times and I am ready to regroup and restart. To take what I know and make something with it.
    I am here to share recipes, easy house projects, ideas for the chillins, home remedies,  and a how to for home made items for your skin, your cleaners, and whatever else I can come up with. This is all about life. How to simplify, make natural, and upgrade at the same time. In doing this, you give yourself more time, and cash. In doing that, you relieve stress. This way you can enjoy everything else.
    Eventually you will see a store page. I will be bringing Mary Kay to the internet and possibly a Coffee business. Because what do I love? Makeup. And Coffee.  My main event, however, is this.  Join Me when you can. In the meantime, I will be cooking. :)
    Sincerely, Dani..... Your local House Bitch.


    Danielle is 21 years old, lives in Jerome, ID and she sells Mary Kay. She has a passion for life and is here to share it.


    December 2013
    November 2013

